Date(s) - 6 maaliskuun, 2023
17:30 - 18:30
Yoga Mix 17:30 kurssille on nyt mahdollista osallistua drop in mallin mukaan. Voit ilmoittautua yhdelle, useammalle tai jokaiselle tunnille. Hinta on 10 eur per kerta. Puhumme suomea, ruotsia ja englantia, ryhmän mukaan. Yoga Mix sisältää seuraavat joogamuodot Hatha, Integral, Flow ja Yin & Yoga Nidra. Saat kaikessa rauhassa, omaa kehoa kuunnellen, opetella joogan perusliikkeitä.
Yoga Mix som startar kl. 17:30 finns möjlighet att delta enligt drop in modell, du anmäler dej till en, flera eller alla tillfällen. 10 eur per lektion. Vi pratar svenska, finska och engelska. Allt enligt gruppens behov. Yoga Mix innehåller dessa yogastilar Hatha, Integral, Flow och Yin & Yoga Nidra. Vill du lära dej några grundläggande yogarörelser som utgår från din kropp och dina förutsättningar?
Yoga Mix beginning at 17.30 has a drop in alternative, you can choose to attend one, several or all classes. The price is 10 eur per class. We speak English, Swedish and Finnish, according to the need of the group. Are you curious and want to try out different yoga styles? Yoga Mix includes Hatha, Integral, Flow and Yin & Yoga Nidra. Would you like to learn some basic yoga positions based on your body and its conditions? Would you like to go into each movement slowly and thoroughly so that you, after the course, are able to feel confident on your mat in all of your movements. If You are – Welcome to Yoga Mix!
Teachers: Petra & Leena
Bookings are closed for this event.